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Florida’s Senate Bill 76

by | Jun 28, 2021 | Firm News

Governor DeSantis signed Senate Bill 76 on June 11 and Florida’s new property insurance reform law takes effect on July 1. ZDM attorneys Thomas Diana and Michael Monteverde recently participated in a webinar attended by members of Florida’s property insurance industry with moderator Lisa Miller of Lisa Miller & Associates in Tallahassee. During the webinar, Tom and Mike shared their perspective on each section of the new law, the law’s anticipated impact, as well as areas where legal challenges may arise in practice. We invite everyone to view the webinar below, and we thank you for visiting our site:

If you would like to listen to the audio only version please visit this site: https://lisamillerassociates.com/episode-32-defense-attorneys-take-on-sb-76/

Firm NewsFlorida’s Senate Bill 76